Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō:
Leaders for Tomorrow
Pillars Ka Pou Whakahou Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō - Leaders for Tomorrow (Youth Advisory Panel), was established in early 2022. The goal is to communicate our rangatahi’s ideas far and wide. Creating change for other young people with whānau in prison and to ultimately contribute to the wider transformative justice conversation.

Growing up with whānau in prison offers a unique lens on the world, in particular the justice system and surrounding supports. Our Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō are sharing their voices as representatives of their communities. Engaging with lived experience and ideas in an effective and authentic way, allows us to learn from young people and apply this knowledge to improve Pillars Ka Pou Whakahou service delivery.

Youth-led Transformative Justice Conference 2024
At the Youth-led Transformative Justice Conference, rangatahi from Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō shared their powerful stories and vision for change. They revealed the new Bill of Rights for Tamariki Impacted by Whānau Incarceration and Kaiwhatu Kura Whānau, the Whānau Navigator role — extraordinary steps towards justice that centres on lived experience.
Below, you will find the highlights from this year's conference.
This year’s conference, hosted by rangatahi, brought together judges, police, youth advocates, and community leaders. The goal: to hear directly from rangatahi about their lived experiences and their vision for a more just, equitable system. Their insights remind us that solutions must come from those who live and breathe these realities daily.
Read the invaluable insights from this year's Youth-led Transformative Justice Conference >

The Bill of Rights for Tamariki Impacted by Whānau Incarceration
"The Bill of Rights for Tamariki Impacted by Whānau Incarceration" is a groundbreaking resource. Developed by Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō (Leaders for Tomorrow – Youth Advisory Panel), this document reflects their voices, their realities, and their vision for the future.
We invite you to explore, share, and implement this document in your mahi. By embedding these principles into your work, you can be part of a community where every child has the support they need to a create positive future.
Meet Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō - the Leaders for Tomorrow

Orla Angi - Tuakana
Troy Phillips - Tuakana
Sharn Te Whiu - Tuakana