Resources &
Pillars Ka Pou Whakahou has resources and educational material on the criminal justice system. We have multiple resources to better support and understand the lived experience of children and families of people in prison. We are open to more opportunities to join the wider criminal justice conversation and welcome further korero on internal resources that can be made available.

The Bill of Rights for Tamariki Impacted by Whānau Incarceration
"The Bill of Rights for Tamariki Impacted by Whānau Incarceration" is a groundbreaking resource. Developed by Ngā Rangatira Mō Āpōpō (Leaders for Tomorrow – Youth Advisory Panel), this document reflects their voices, their realities, and their vision for the future.
We invite you to explore, share, and implement this document in your mahi. By embedding these principles into your work, you can be part of a community where every child has the support they need to a create positive future.
Research and Evaluation Reports
2023 Westpac NZ Access to Banking in Aotearoa Report (Pillars contributing to discussion)
2019 Pillars Family Start Plus Dunedin (Pilot) model and evaluation
2018 Pillars: Mentors Speak – report on a survey of Pillars Mentors
2016 SUPERU: A process evaluation of the Children’s Mentoring Programme at Pillars Christchurch
2016 Outcomes evaluation of the Activities Centres at Christchurch Men’s and Invercargill Prison
2015 SUPERU: What Works Children of Prisoners, June 2015
2012 Formative evaluation Family Activities Centre at Christchurch Men’s Prison
2011 A study of the children of prisoners – Findings from Māori data
2010 A Study of the Children of Prisoners – Summary report